Hold your tongue

Many projects taking place around here……Kenny has repotted one of his “mother-in-laws tongues”…..it was HUGE….I think he got it at a garage sale and it was in a really ugly plastic pot…..then he got a beautiful cobalt blue pot to put it in…..where did the repotting take place…..in the dining room….where else?

Here is a picture of the plant on the dining room floor….it’s HUGE!  Look at the other “mil tongues” in the window….I think this is what people are used to seeing.

Here it is repotted…..an old, antique type of plant in a modern vessel….makes all the difference in the world.

Today, I started a DIY project….more on that later this week….or maybe tomorrow.

3 thoughts on “Hold your tongue

  1. Tammy I was laughing out loud so hard I was almost crying and Mick came over to see what was so funny!!! I said Look where Kenny repots his plants!!! Mickey freaks out if I get dirt on the sidewalk in the back yard!!!! Too Funny. That's why I like him!!!

  2. Oh my Stars! That Mil tongue plant is the biggest I've ever seen! It really looks great in the more modern planter. What on earth do you feed it to keep it so healthy looking? Thanks Tammy for stopping by my blog. I can't wait to see what you will come up with for the Secret Forest challenge. Dang it's hard to keep it a secret! Glad we're in this thing together! It should be fun and keep us out of trouble for awhile. or not! Cathy G

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