Finishing up!

YAY! I’ve got fabric picked out so that I can finish up two of my rugs….I’ve never finished with a cotton fabric, so this will be an experiment of sorts for me. Not sure if I even have cording to make the piping edge…guess I’d better go look before I get too excited. I hope this polka dotted border works out with the Flower Girl.

This is the border for the Basketful rug…..I could not have dreamed of finding something that coordinates with the rug so well…..It really has ALL of the same colors…..what a stroke of luck!

Storing wool…..this is a cool little basket that I got a few years back….right now it’s holding assorted gold wools …..looks pretty fall-ish…perhaps I’ll brighten things up a bit and load the basket with pinks for spring and let the crow have the summer off.

There is something about spring that just makes me want to totally re-do everything in my house…..everything is just looking so dark to me right now. I feel cluttered and overwhelmed. Just tonight I added more clothes to the “donate” bag that I keep in my closet….it seems if it’s faded or doesn’t fit just right then I’m wanting rid of it. Perhaps it’s all the bright natural light….or the fact that I’ve been seeing all of these Cath Kidston colors on just about every blog I visit like the picture above. I find myself wanting to paint my front porch with something that glistens and says “look at me….I’m fresh and new”. Have any of you painted your porch with the really glossy paint? That always appeals to me when I see it in magazines, but it looks like it would be really hard to get it all smooth and nice and I also wonder how well it would wear from year to year….will it start to look dull quickly and will it show every little dusty footprint? It could be a weekend project for NEXT weekend… you know….or you’d best remember….this weekend is Mother’s Day.

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